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UK workshop II

Some first impressions of the second UK workshop. More info will follow soon!
The second UK workshop took place on the 8th of November at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, in conjunction with the IMPETUS and Historic Droughts projects. The goal of the workshop was to discuss about the future of drought monitoring and early warning systems in the UK with different stakeholder groups representing the public water supply, environmental regulation and agriculture sectors. Presentations (link) provided insights to the current status of drought monitoring and forecasting from a UK and international perspective (agenda). The day focused around two interactive activities, one on a future drought monitoring and forecasting system for the UK, the other on which indicators are needed to monitor for impacts and how to incorporate impacts into a future drought monitoring and forecasting system. Each session had a set of key questions that were answered by the three sectoral groups which were shared and discussed between the different stakeholders groups in plenary sessions. 



Warming up with presentations from the UK perspective. 





Group discussion I: Commenting on the UK drought portal. How can the drought portal support decision making and what is currently missing? 





Kerstin Stahl presenting about historical drought impacts and in Europe.





Group discussion II: linking drought indicators with drought impacts.





Sharing thoughts between stakeholder groups.